Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter 2008

Overall a very busy weekend for bunny day. Saturday was cleaning day. Jen had to work so she dropped off the boys to grandma and grandpas for the day so I could clean uninterrupted. She left at 9:30 and I immediately got busy. I pulled all of the furniture out of the front room to clean the carpet. Our new carpet cleaner does a fantastic job .... almost too good of a job. While it steam cleans and scrubs the carpet it ends up pulling out clumps of fuzz and cat hair. So after sweeping the room, I steam clean, let that dry and then re sweep the room to get all of the fuzz turds. But another good point with the steam cleaner working so well the carpet's don't stay wet very long. So while waiting for the front room to dry and resweep I moved to the front room I had just spent the week mudding, sanding, and painting. It needs another coat of paint, but I ran out of time and it is good enough for Sunday. So I cleaned that carpet, and moved on to the next thing. Trying to plan out the best way to kill time to let the carpet dry to resweep it. I pretty much did that for 6 hours. I was going to throw in a cd to listen to, but MEE had a 80's weekend going on so I found that good enough. Between cleaning carpets, cleaning bathrooms, hand washing the wood floors, and numerous little things like cleaning the vents, my body was aching around 4:00.
The in-laws brought the kids home around 5:00 and we grabbed a pizza to eat. Jen didn't get back home until almost 7:30, and then had to do a couple things after bath time like coloring the easter eggs and a few other projects for the next day.
Sunday Jen gets up and goes to 6:30 service at her church. She comes home and gets myself and the boys and head out to my church for the 8:30 service. It was busy but not too nuts. We get home and start throwing some last minute stuff together and do last minute cleaning. Around 11:30 my mom and brother show up. I notice that there is a spot on the sidewalk that is still icy from the snowfall the last time and start looking around for something to put on the ice so it won't cause anyone to fall. Jen suggests kitty litter. It was a great idea, but I later regretted it since when the ice did melt it mixed with the kitty litter and just made mud that was tracked into the house. Overall it was a very good time with just over 30 people showing up. We had to hunt for eggs inside since the outdoors was just a little too soggy. After dinner I noticed the older boys getting bored sitting in the front room so I plugged in the Wii and let them play. They all did very good and took turns. IT was hard to tear them away from it when the finally had to leave. Some things of note that happened on the day. Aunt Carol had a problem with the potatoes and accidentally got pieces of plastic in them which Jen's Uncle Dan bit into. Then she thought she left something in the stove at home and tried for quite a while to get a hold of her husband to make sure it was off.
The boys had alot of fun and too much candy. Good to know that Andrew is a jelly bean fiend. Man he wouldn't leave that bowl alone. Now the attempt to keep the house relatively clean so it's good to go for this weekend and Christopher's baptism since we are having people over after that as well. You are invited if you would like to come. I guess I never really got into religious affiliations of our friends or if they are practicing. Probably should find out sometime.

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