Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Here comes the bunny

I am not sure if Easter just got more crazy or easier. We have a busy but set routine for Easter. Jen usually goes to the 6:00am service. She comes home and we pack the kids up and go to the 8:00 mass at my church. Then over to my mom's house for a brunch and general bunny stuff. Then we head over to Aunt Carols house for lunch, easter egg hung, and more general bunny stuff. And then usually home by 5 or 6. This year, one of Aunt Carol's daughters is moving back home and she didn't thing she could handle a move-in and Easter on the same week, which I don't blame her. So they asked us to host Easter at our house this year. I am thinking, cool, now we don't have to run all over the place with the kids this year, and I like to entertain anyway. But then a bit of panic set in. There was alot to do and get ready, working out the logistics of trying to get the house cleaned with the kids around and doing it at the last possible moment so it will stay clean.

Then we decided to use the front room to give the kids a place to play, which means I have to try and finish the room. We had pulled the wallpaper and the plan was to fix the holes in the wall and then repaint the room. That plan just got moved up to a priority. So far I have mudded and sanded the walls fixing all the holes and dings. I was up to till midnight last night putting primer on the walls to get ready for paint. Now the next big question is paint. We had bought two gallons of a paint color that we THOUGHT we liked, but when we put it on a small section of wall it was pretty bad. Crap. So a trip to home depot and another leap of faith on another color. We called around to see if we can get a 'tester' sample of paint, but either they don't do it or they want $4 for a small sample. no thanks, we will just take another chance.

Plans ewr made last week to drop the kids off to the grandparents saturday to give me a day to steam clean carpet and more general cleaning. Hopefully it will last from Saturday night until Sunday morning. Lucky for me my father-in-law is getting a head count so we know how many tables we need and we can plan where to put people. I think at last count is was around 25 or so. I don't know how Jen's aunt does it every year in a house that is alot smaller than ours, but she does it very well so I have confidence that things will work out for us too. The crappy part is that we have a fantastic yard for easter egg hunting, but the weather is probably going to keep us inside.

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