Tuesday, December 27, 2005

chirstmas in 2005

Christmas in 2005

Keith was trying to get Charlie (4 years old) to behave himself at Mike's party and was playing the "better be good or Santa won't come" card with Charlie. I was about to tell him that if he isn't good he will get coal in his stocking, but instead I told him that he will get spam in his e-mail account... this might be more of a punishment than coal and the wave of the future.

You better be good or you will get Spam in your e-mail account..... your primary e-mail account

Another thing that Christmas has shown me is that people who package kids toys in boxes don't really want the kids to have the toys. A couple of years ago I started carrying a little pocket knife around Christmas to cut open taped boxes and the such, but I have found that the older my kids get, the toys they receive are being held in their boxes like Fort Knox. Of course my son wants to play with the toy and has the patience of an ant while I try to figure out the many locks and straps are holding in the toys. I have decided to carry my little knife and a pair of wire cutters in the future. God help me if I ever wanted to return anything that I took out of the box because it isn't going back in.

1 comment:

Marcus said...

That's a great idea! I've had need for it too!