Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Embarrassment Sucks

We were in Home depot yesterday and I decided to buy a 4 pack of light bulbs. A very nice Home Depot employee approached me and asked if he could help and I said "No thanks, I am just buying some light bulbs", and I proceeded to pick the cheapest 4-pack of light bulbs that I could find and head toward the cart. Needless to say the 2-pack sleeve that fits in the side of the box came sliding out and all I could hear was the loud pop of a light bulb shattering all over the concrete floor. I am not sure if the shades of red were from the embarrassment or the anger of why the heck they package bulbs like that. I have never in my life ever broke anything in a store, and I thought "well I just bought a 3 pack of bulbs", but to my surprise, the Home Depot employee, who tried to help me earlier, was standing very close and took the 3 pack out of my hand and handed me a fresh 4-pack. He took the 3 pack to the back room and went in search of a broom to clean up my mess. Still feeling embarrassed as hell and I wanted to slink away to another part of the store, but I felt obliged to stand over the broken glass so no one would step in it... thus prolonging my embarrassment. So, eventually glass was cleaned up and I apologized numerous times. We ended up spending over $100 in the store so I felt a little better breaking the .50 cent light bulb.


Marcus said...

Two quick responses:

You spent $100 there? You should be embarrassed about worrying over "discount" bulbs.

The helpful employee probably wanted to fling them into the dumpster anyway ... intentionally and controllably making popping noises.

Well ... if you're going to break something for the first time ... bulbs are the way to go. Also ... it would have peeved you more had that happened at home.

Keith said...

It could have been worse, you might have been buying those 4 foot long fluorescent bulbs.

Ooooh, that would have made a pretty mess.