Wednesday, December 13, 2006

De Plane ! De Plane!

I was working out in the production floor when something caught my eye. It looked like there was a problem with my co-workers arm. I looked a little closer and saw that he now had a tatoo on his forarm. Not just his forarm, but the WHOLE top of his forarm from wrist to elbow. It's a real mecabre dragon tatoo. Tatoo's are certainly not the taboo that they used to be, but still there are still certain types of people and types of tatoo's that you kind of expect on people. You know, like a school teacher having a little butterfly or dolphin on their ankle. Or like Carrie's tatoo on her lower back, some tatoo's just meet my exepctations, but this one blew me away. This guy seems pretty normal and a quazi computer geek. He drives a freaking BMW for christ's sake!! I can see a little something like the Dell logo on his upper arm, but I just can't put my mind around a full forarm "dragon" tatoo on him. But then I got to thinking, in a few months the hair is going to grow back on his forarm and he is going to have a harry tatoo of a dragon. I really don't try and stereotype people, but sometimes I wonder about peoples decisions.

1 comment:

CAQuincy said...

Quit talking about that tattoo! John and JJ's going to wonder where/when you're sneaking all these glances at it!

(I'm beginning to wonder, myself.)