Sunday, January 04, 2009

Happy New Year

New years eve was real similar to last year. After getting home we packed up the kids and headed over to Jeff and Paula's for their get together. We hung out there for a couple of hours, but decided to head home around 9:30 or so for that half hour ride home. Jen and I are still into the mode of trying to get the kids to bed at a decent time. They don't really care if they see midnight so why keep them up for it. I am sure that we will start letting them stay up for new years some day, but for now we just appreciate a good night's sleep for them. Anyway, they get their late nights when the Q's come to visit. So we put the boys to bed and Jen and I have a little snack and watch Dick Clark till just after midnight. I decide to power up the laptop and see if my dad and brother are possibly on-line. As soon as I hit the power button I hear "pop" and smell the familiar smell of electronics burning. Son of a Bit**!!! I had to make sure it wasn't a freakin' Friday. After that we just put in a DVD and fell asleep a little after 2:00. The boys being ever punctual actually slept in until 7:45am. The rest of the day was kind of laid back. I took down my outside Christmas stuff. Side note to that: I was leaving on my lights until after new years, but noticed that my lights were off earlier in the week. Yep, I fried the outdoor outlet as well. End sidenote: After the lights were taken care of the rest of the day was watching TV and playing with the boys, thinking all day that it was Sunday and not Thursday. Man that will mess you up.

I took the laptop into a computer repair place and they confirmed that I fried the cord (also the power supply), so $60 to replace that. They are also going to test the laptop to make sure that it doesn't fry anything else. I started looking around at new laptops. Not saying that we have to replace it or can afford to replace it, I just like to look. I really like the new laptop that my brother got and found it a whole lot cheaper on-line. Needless to say I won't be buying anything from this computer repair place (where he purchased the laptop) unless it's something used like a monitor or DVD burner. I fired up the old CPU in William's room and it works pretty good for now. It's a little slower than the laptop and not as portable, but it's good to have a backup.

Happy New Year everyone!!!

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