Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I have given up on sleep

Welcoming home a newborn about 2 months ago I remember the times of trying to sleep (with our first baby) at night and the small distractions that would wake me up. As with our first child I would wake up if he coughed or made any unusual noise. Now granted, I am not the one that has to get up and breastfeed whenever the baby is hungry (I am not properly equipped), but I am the person who wakes up when my wife turns on the TV for light and so she has something to watch so she doesn't fall asleep. So with listening for the baby to make any strange noises, wife turning on the TV, listening to the baby monitor for our 2.5 year old, and just the usual stuff that wakes you up in the middle of the night there has been a real challenge on sleep the past couple of months.

But finally the baby is starting to get into a little more of a routine and cherish sleep at night like I do, so maybe he will wake up once a night to have a little snack. I am thinking "thank goodness" finally I can get to sleep. NO.. Houdini...the 2.5 year old has figured out how to escape his crib and has been making visits into our room at 5:30am the past two mornings. Luckily I just take him back upstairs, get him some water, and he goes back so sleep, but then the alarm goes off at 6:00am. I have decided to start going to bed by 10:00pm every night just to hope to get a few more hours of sleep. Hopefully once we get moved into the new house we can get everyone on a good bedtime routine again and the only one waking me up in the night will be my wife :) .. How you doin' ? Of course if that happens then there is a chance for child #3 and I am not anywhere sane enough for that.

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