Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Invisible Punch

A few years ago a company called Wylers invented a powdered drink (like kool-aid) that when you made the drink even though it had all of the flavor, it was totally clear. To me this was one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century due to the fact it was totally unique. I had bought a few packets of this drink about 9 years ago with the idea of making up the drink, adding alcohol, and having a party. When I was living with my brother and best friend we did that and had a blast. It looks like you are drinking fruity water, but actually the taste hides the alcohol quite well (just don't eat the fruit). I had tried buy more of this punch drink back then when it became harder and harder to find, and finally impossible, but I had my stash. I found out later that the Wylers company was no longer in business, and I guess the idea of Clear kool-aid didn't catch on because no one else had done it since, and there just isn't enough novelty of drinking a clear Kool aid that looks like water.

So Anyway 9 years later I finally decide to put together this punch for a Halloween party with a few of the precious packets that I have left. There is nothing like walking into a party with a container that everyone assumes is water. Even before I get into the door someone asks me "Why are you bringing water to a party?". I put the punch out and really no one wants to drink the "water" on the table. So finally I tell a few people about the "invisible punch" I brought and they all decide to try a glass. The look of fear is priceless of people trying to guess what is in the drink because it is totally clear (and because I am the guy that brought jello shots to a party made totally of alcohol even trying to boil the rum, but that's another story). After trying a glass, they all said they liked the punch, but at this point they had all had a few beers so the idea of drinking a punch after drinking beer was not an option.

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