Tuesday, September 12, 2006

School Daze

William still has a speech delay. He talks a little bit where we can actually understand him, and we know he can understand us a little bit since when we ask him to do something he actually does it. We have been working on it for over a year now with speech therapy and other testing to see why he doesn't' speak. Doctors and specialists are almost certain that it isn't autism, just a speech delay. When he turned 3 years old he aged out of the free state sponsored program and then became the responsibility of the school system. After more meetings and testing (that Jen had to deal with for months) we finally decided to send him to two hours of school , 5 days a week. So far it's been just over a week and he still seems to like going and doesn't realize that it's school. I was so scared that when Jen dropped him off that there would be a meltdown (from both of them) or that he would wander off, or the million other things that a parent worries about when trusting your kid to the school system. Most parents don't have to deal with it at 3 years old with a child that doesn't speak, so terrified was an understatement. It's still a concern, but luckily it's a class with only 5 kids and at least two teachers so I feel a little better. Tonight we go to a "back to school night" so hopefully some more of my fears will be taken care of.

I feel lucky to have Jen since she has the "job" now of getting him to school every day (no way we are putting him on a bus) and arranging to pick him up with trying to fit in work every once in a while.


CAQuincy said...

So glad that so far William (and JJ) are doing well with school. I can only imagine your fears.... I hope this continues to be a good experience for all.

*fingers crossed*

Marcus said...

Tough for all. William, go get 'em!