Friday, November 09, 2007

I feel the need....

We finally have DSL at home!!!! I don't know how but I finally talked Jen into getting DSL for the house. A couple selling points is that its only $5 more than we are currently paying per month for dial up, we didn't have to worry about tying up a phone line, and the kids are starting to play alot more on the computer. It's one of those questions that we couldn't answer.... We don't really use the Internet that much at home, so it is worth the extra money, but then there is the question if we would use it more if it was easier and faster. We will find out...but I am thinking we will use it alot more now. Went a little crazy and go the wireless router too. I messed with it a little bit Wednesday night but couldn't get it to work, but Jen got it running on Thursday, but not the wireless. I got that working last night. I am going to look into web cams so I can set something up with my dad for maybe a video conference once a week to visit with him and the kids. But in looking around there are different types of web cams and some have audio (I thought they all had audio) and the services like Yahoo and IM are video only (I think). I never payed that much attention to the technology and I have questions. Looks like a trip to Best Buy (darn... he he). Maybe set up a web cam thing with the Q's so Jen and Carrie can yap. Also, now if we miss a show during the week, alot of them are replayed on websites so we can catch them later on. I also need to put together one more computer for the kids to play with and will stop messing with the other ones, but I need some ram. Brother can you spare some Ram??????


Marcus said...

Congrats on entering a faster connected world. Once you've had fast, or cocaine of connection, you'll never wanna go back. If fact, you'll probably always seek a greater "cherry" high.

MR said...

I don't know a lot of people using webcams. I think most people find it distracting when there is a lag between picture and audio (I did, although I haven't had one for years and years). And as opposed to the free-flowing conversation on the phone, you end up interrupting each other a lot because of the lag time. All in all, I haven't seen it used, even in business (we have a video conferencing system at work), as a very practical solution. However, now you can download PORN!