Friday, August 15, 2008


For the past year I have been writing about the TV going out. Every time I blog about it I usually go home and it comes back to life. This time I think it's definitely gone. Ever since we got back from vacation we have been trying to get it to work by unplugging it, letting it set, and then powering it up again, as the Philips people recommended. We decided to call in a TV repair man. I didn't think these people still existed. Best Try wanted to charge us close to $100 to come and look at it, but the names that we got from the Philips company would only charge us $55 for a service call so we decided to do that. Jen and I had talked about how much we would be willing to spend to save the old TV but never came up with an actual number. She called me yesterday after the guy looked at the TV and said that it would be around $300 to fix it. I figure $800 for a new 42 inch TV when I can have it repaired for $300 is something that is doable, so I tell her to go ahead and have it fixed. But then he tests a few more things and says that there is one more thing that needs replacing as well, that he would have to order, and that would take the repair bill close to $600. Crap. That's a number I can't deal with when I can have a brand new flat screen plasma for $800ish. I tell her to declare the patient dead. Now the search for a new TV and how the heck do I get rid of a 55inch projection big screen. I think I might have to make a trip to the dump. I put my 27 inch TV in the front room last night and it's like watching TV from 40 feet away.

Stay tuned for the search

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