Thursday, August 28, 2008

kind of a wierd day off

I took yesterday off to take Andrew down to Indy for a follow up for his eyes. We were not leaving until 10:30, so I figured that I had a couple hours to get something else done in the morning. My dad is coming up for the weekend so I want to get the house cleaned up and possibly some yard work done. I decided that the morning would be the time to try and dump the big screen TV since the recycling center is only open Monday through Friday from 8 to 4 (or bankers hours). I got everything set up with borrowing my in-laws truck and arranging for my brother to help load and unload the truck. I get up, grab a shower and run over to pick up the truck. I waited for my bother to show up to load the TV, but the agreed upon time has passed and a call to the house goes unanswered. I figured he is on his way or I told him the wrong day. So anyway after a bit of grunting and groaning I load the TV into the back of the truck myself. Even though it's pretty big it wasn't too awkward to tip into the truck. I didn't have to really worry about scratching or breaking it since it was broken anyway. So I am on my way to the recycle center with the TV, a VCR and two printers and call my brother to leave him a message, and he picks up. The conversation goes like this:

Me: "hey Dan"
Dan: "hey Dave, what's up?.... (pause)... oh Crap...I will be there in 5 minutes"

I tell him that I got it loaded and I was on my way. I end up stopping by his house to pick him up since he has a keyboard that he wants to recycle too. We find the place and pull into the fenced-in area. There are 4 or 5 guys helping to unload trucks. The guy comes up and sees the TV and comments that he didn't think they took TV's that large. Crap. I knew there would be something like this even though the website clearly states TV's of ANY size. But after a conversation with his boss he tells me they do... whew. So dump all that stuff off, pay my $5, and head back for home. We are trying to leave for Indy by 10:30 to give us a chance to eat lunch before Andrew's appointment, but we weren't pulling out of the garage until 11:00. The trip down was pretty uneventful. Andrew's eyes are still doing pretty good with little to no change from the last time we took a 4 hour car ride for a 15 min appointment. The doctor doesn't want to chance anything and wants to see us in 6 months for another 4 hour drive for a 15 min appointment. Unfortunately we didn't get down to Indy early enough to eat lunch before his appointment so we had to go to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch after the appointment (tragic I know). So another $60 lunch with bring home cheesecake for dessert. We get back and head to grandma's to pick up William and visit with my mom for a while. After a while we head home so I can tear apart the family room of all the furniture and steam clean the carpet. As we are pulling up to the house I forgot that I still had the in-laws truck and needed to return it. Nuts. So my quick trip to return the truck turned into an hour chore since my in-laws had company and I ended up talking with them for a while. In my conversation with the company I get some information that sheds a dark light on a former boss (mentor) of mine that shocks me quite a bit. I might tell the story later. So I finally get home and start pulling furniture out of the room and into the kitchen. I am trying to get the carpet cleaned as quick as possible since there is no way that the boys will go to bed with me running the sweeper and steam cleaner. I am fishing up around 9:30 so the boys can fall asleep. As I sit on the couch (in the kitchen) I eat my cheesecake and try to think of what else I want to try and get done before my dad's visit. Actually I am trying to think of what I have enough time to get done. I am falling asleep in the kitchen around 11:00 and head to bed.

1 comment:

MR said...

"I am falling asleep in the kitchen around 11:00 and head to bed."

There's one you don't hear very often.