Saturday, November 29, 2008

Turkey day 08

So we got an other early start on the day. Man I wish there was a way to have the boys sleep in on occasion. I would teach them to just go downstairs when they wake up, but I am not sure I want them just going downstairs when they want in the morning since they might think that 3:00am is 7:00am. So we get up and I give the kids bath time so they will smell good for all of the relatives. We get to the in-laws around noonish and help with the last minute stuff. The familiar smell of something burning wafted in the house. Once again my mother in law had burned the mashed potatoes a little bit. My brother in law commented that now it was truly thanksgiving since the potatoes are burnt. I told him that it would be Thanksgiving if her gravy didn't turn out, and sure enough it didn't. I don't know why my mother in law can't make gravy. Other people started showing up and the snacking commenced. My mom and Uncle Dave brought shrimp cocktail and champagne. Unlike most gatherings before I didn't have to spend my entire day chasing down the boys since they are older, but I did still have to keep an eye on Christopher to make sure he didn't get stepped on. The dinner was delicious and I was unfortunately stuffed after only one plate. For dessert I decided to make a Hoosier pie since most of the other desserts that they have I don't like. So Wednesday night I made everything from scratch including the crust and it turned out pretty good. After we ate I was looking for a corner to curl up and take a nap,but Christopher wouldn't go down for a nap and I couldn't rock him to sleep either. Jen was visiting with her relatives so I was trying to keep him happy the best that I could. Now that Christopher is on people food it's amazing what he will eat and what he doesn't like. He liked everything that day. We ended up feeding him some more, and he turned happy again. I still say there was a good fart in there somewhere for relief. So we loaded up the crew around 7:00pm or so and we headed home. After getting home we put all the boys to bed and I made cookies for Jen's carry in at work while she headed up to bed. Jen got up at 4:30am to get to work by 6:00am for her black Friday shift. I had to work on Friday so we ended up meeting up at the in laws for left overs Friday night.

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