Tuesday, November 07, 2006


For the first time since moving into the new house I got to put my leaves out by the road and the city takes care of them. Now people in the neighborhood were doing the same, but they were putting their leaves actually on the road instead of on the lawn just off the road. I have heard and read that you are supposed to put the leaves on the lawn next to the road and not on the road. Along with making driving a little more difficult, they are more apt to blow to the neighbors property. So being the good city boy, I put my leaves on the lawn. Upon getting home I see that they have either driven a truck or tractor though my lawn to get the leaves. WTH? What happened to getting the chain gang out there to pull them with rakes out onto the street. Yeah I know officially the lawn area next to the road is actually city property (right of way), but they aren't the ones that have to deal with dead grass and ruts in the yard for the rest of the year. Luckily the ground was still pretty solid and didn't really do any damage, but I can still see clearly where they drove over MY lawn. (Hey if I maintain it, it's mine). Gee, guess where I am putting the leaves the next time....


Marcus said...

Tip: do what everyone else does and put leaves on road. They use a street cleaner afterwards. Yeah, I could have saved you some grief on the lawn. They don't hire for the city, people who care.

MR said...

Next day you open the door to a grubby guy in overalls: "HAS YA GOTS ANY MOOA LEAVES?!" He says, as you notice his truck parked on your hedges so he didn't have to walk all the way to the door.