Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Rumor Mill

Rumor has it that a certain family from the East might be heading to the Fort for Thanksgiving....

And that she is pregnant again.... (not really, just wanted add some excitement)



CAQuincy said...

That's just WRONG!!!!!!


CAQuincy said...

HEY! And isn't the fact that we're coming for a visit excitement ENOUGH?!

davesbeachbar said...

Are you really comming? I am not in the loop, that and the fact that Jen has been working so much lately we barely see each other.

Hey, at least I didn't mention anything about your nipple ring... opps..

John Q. said...

I've been directed here to post the following:




Thank you.

CAQuincy said...

For answer to question, see blog.

(Or check in with your wife).

And thank you for defending my honor, honey.

John Q. said...

I have to admit, finding out you're pregnant via a Fort Wayne friend's blog would be a change from the normal message on the bathroom mirror.