Wednesday, November 29, 2006

How embarrassing

Last year we had to live with my mom for about 5 months while we were looking for a new house about this same time last year. We had our mail forwarded to my mom's house for that short period, and now to our new house. For some reason she still gets junk mail for us at her house. I keep telling her that if it doesn't look important to just throw it away, but she insists on bringing it to our house to let us throw it away just in case we would actually like to look at.

Fast forward to last night. Usually I rarely get a chance to see the mail in our house since Jen takes care of it, but she does leave the catalogs out for me to look over. Usually this is my "Creative Irish Gifts" catalog and such. Last night I see a pile of catalogs and start looking through them. The last one that I come upon is a Playboy catalog. WOO HOOO!!. Just like the Victoria Secret's catalog, but a bit more edgy with videos on "self pleasure" and a few other swings and such that aren't for the kids. So of course I am looking through the catalog, for possible Christmas gifts let's say :). All of a sudden I realize that all of this mail came from my mom's house since it was all had my mom's address but our names. Great, now my mom thinks I am a sex freak that orders this stuff from Playboy. (OK once from the Adam and Eve catalog, but that was years ago.) Nothing like being 39 years old and still dreading the thought of your mom busting you with a dirty magazine, or thinking you are a freak. Damn how embarrassing. How do you let your mom know that you have no idea why you got the catalog without looking like you are trying to cover something? How in the world did I get on this mailing list? I think I will just ignore it and pretend like I didn't even see it.


CAQuincy said...

I hope your mother never reads your blog. You just busted yourself! YOU FREAK!

Marcus said...

Adam & Eve catalog ... is that "creative thinking" or non-procreative love? Anyway, it could be worse. You could have your info sold to some really bizarre mags like "Stud Service": Wild horses and then men that break them ... or something of that nature. How about nen's knitting or heavy metal enthusiast?