Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween 2006

More pictures Here

Every year Halloween has been a little different. Last year we couldn't get William in his costume, and this year we can't get him out of it. Last year Andrew wasn't quite a month old so this year we got a costume on him, and of course he hated the top of the costume so he wouldn't put it on all the way. We ended up going over to a friends house again like last year. All of these people are part of a play group that Jen is involved with so there were a TON of kids there. I think the last count was around 15. Jen had to work so it was up to me to get the kids together and over to the party before they left to go trick or treating. We made it in plenty of time since we ended up eating first and then heading out. The boys were having fun playing with all the kids and Jen ended up arriving a short time later. When it came time to go trick or treating we put costumes on both the boys and William and I headed out. Last year William hated wearing his costume and we were late to the party so this was the first time he has actually been trick or treating, and so it is MY first time trick or treating in 25 years or so. I was very proud of William. He did very well staying with our group and going up to doors and kinda saying "trick or treat" and "Thank You". The fact that he was following two girls helped. (that's my boy). We were out about 30-45 minutes and all over the neighborhood. I was kinda surprised that there weren't more people handing out treats, but as I soon came to find out, it's a neighborhood with older people. It was getting pretty chilly by the time we decided to call it a night, and lucky for William, his Tigger costume covered his head and hands so he stayed warm the whole time. After getting back to the house we packed up and headed to Grandma and Grandpa Clymer to say trick or treat to them since they live in the middle of nowhere. After a visit we headed home and put two very tired and sleeping boys to bed. Where a short time after that Jen and I fell asleap too. I will say that I did get a chance to watch "Young Frankenstein" Sunday night while we were carving pumpkins. Fraur Blucher (neighhhhhh)


Marcus said...

Sounds like you had a great Halloween followed by a great Sunday. You were undoubtedly, "Puttin' on the Ritz".

Be sure to show photos!

Marcus said...

BTW: cute photo