Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Man what a drive

Geez what a drive into work today!!!! As I was getting ready for work I notice that it was a little foggy and I was thinking no big deal. Then Jen tells me that school is cancelled for the day and I am thinking there has to be something else. As I am backing out of the garage I hear that it is a freezing fog. I don't remember ever hearing about a freezing fog before, but they warned of black ice and slippery roads especially with overpasses. I get out of the addition without too much trouble and then hit the highway, and Geez it is foggy. I can't see 20 feet in front of my car. I get behind a truck going about 45mph. Now it's pretty bad, but I didn't think it was that bad so I passed him. With that type of fog you go into a different mindset while driving. You have to kinda guess where you are on the road since you can't see any of the usual roadside icons like the Meijer store or highway signs. You also start to look very hard at the fog in front of you scanning for cars, and then all of a sudden you think you see the image of a car, but you don't. That was kinda freaky. You also think that it takes just one idiot to get into a wreck or hit something to block the highway and I could be part of a pile-up since there was no way to stop at that speed with that visibility. Yeah I know I could have went slower, but that can be just as dangerous sometimes.
I noticed that my antenna was waving back and forth. Now usually antennas only do this when they have an antenna topper on them, but I noticed that there was ice actually building up on the antenna. By the time I reached work it was probably at least 3/8 inch thick.
I was getting near the overpasses near New Haven and noticed the road got white all of a sudden and I noticed tire tracks on the side of the road so I immediately threw my car into neutral and got out of the gas since I didn't know what to expect. What I did notice was a truck without much of a front end sitting on the side of the road with no sign of another car. Hopefully it wasn't in a ditch somewhere.
It's now noon and the warmer temperature and sun were supposed to burn this fog away, but as I look outside my window I can't even see across the street, should be a fun ride home.

1 comment:

Cerpicio said...

"I can't see 20 feet in front of my car."

"I get behind a truck going about 45mph ... I passed him."

"it takes just one idiot to get into a wreck or hit something to block the highway"

I almost stayed home for an hour or so to let it burn off since it was so bad. But I drove on in to work, going 40 mph the whole way. That's on Highway 1 though, so the speeds are a little slower than 469. It's a good thing I didn't wait; like you said, it wasn't till the afternoon that it started to clear up.

Weird stuff.