Monday, February 26, 2007

it was pan-dee-leer-ium....

Saturday morning both of the boys wake up pretty early (of course). William comes into the bedroom around 7:30ish and I can hear Andrew in the baby monitor talking and on the verge of crying, wanting to get up. I decided to take the boys downstairs and give Jen a chance to sleep in a little bit. I like to try and help her out as much as I can after work and during the weekends since she gets to deal with them all day, all week, long. Upon going downstairs I give both boys cereal and their juice, and they are happy. Now the usual string of events is that the boys eat their cereal and drink their juice until Jen or I get out breakfast whereupon they MUST have some of our food since they obviously can't see that it's the same thing that they have and it MUST be better. So I eat my cereal (with help from the boys) and a fix my toast. Now when I fix toast lately I make another piece since they "will help" me with that too. So I am sitting down with my toast and glass of Orange Juice and I notice that William's diaper is full and about to explode. I tell him to lay down so I can get him changed. Now Andrew the one year old is getting real sneaky and is able to reach alot farther on tables that he used to, so with this in mind I put the toast up on a shelf where he can't reach it. Upon taking Williams diaper I find that he has pretty much filled up the whole thing with liquid poop. Ugh. Yuck. Ack. So I am trying to change him quickly but to no avail where I get liquid poop on the clean diaper I am trying to change into as well as on the carpet (there is alot of it). As I am trying to deal with this huge mess I look up to see Andrew take my very full glass of orange juice and try to get a drink and dumps it on himself (I forgot the OJ, shit). So one kid screaming because he is covered head to toe in O.J., another kid with his body weight in liquid poop getting all over the place. I yell up to Jen for assistance.... aaaannnnnndddd.... nothing. Sleeping Beauty claims to have been folding laundry as being the reason for her not hearing me, but the jury is still out on that for me :). So I quickly undress Andrew and wipe him of and go back to dealing with the mess from William. Sleeping Beauty comes down a little while later so see both kids running around in their diapers and I tell her my tales of mass poop destruction where she starts to laugh at me. I for one DID NOT see the humor that she did. After things calmed down the boys went back to playing as normal and I just sat there stunned and watched TV. A short time later I hear Andrew in the kitchen and look up to see that he has grabbed the box of cereal (yeah I forgot to put that away) and is walking across the kitchen with the box..... upside-down. Cereal everywhere. He pretty much dumped an entire full box on the floor. sigh. Is it to early to start drinking????

1 comment:

Marcus said...

Wow! That's a messy, crappy start to a day! Welcome to parenting.