Monday, June 18, 2007

Mulch, Mulch, Mulch

One of the projects around the house that has been nagging me is getting mulch for under the kids playset as well as some of the landscaping in the front yard that I had edged. I was trying to come up with a plan for this project this weekend while trying to work out watching kids and Jenny having to work. Thursday afternoon my boss comes to my desk and tells me that he is giving everyone a free day off since we are a little slow and there are a few bigger projects coming in that will keep up very busy. SCORE. So I decided to take Friday off to work on mulch. Friday morning I wake up with the kids around 7:30 or so and take my time getting ready. So I am heading out the door around 10:00am and Jen suggest that I take William with me. That wasn't part of the plan, since I didn't think he was allowed to be in the front seat of a pick-up truck, and I wasn't sure if he would get in my way. But Lately William is usually really good about staying out of the way if I am working on projects so I decided to give it a try. So we head to Menards for some weed barrier fabric (to put under the mulch to keep weeds down) and out to bum-pa's (what William calls grandpa) house to grab his truck. I put William's booster seat in the front seat and we head out to the Mulch place (Felgers). William LOVES ridding in the front since he can actually see everything that is going on, which is vastly different from his back seat position that he has had his whole life. The thing that really fascinated him is that when he looked out the side window he could see the cars behind us in the side view mirror. He would look at the side view mirror, say "here he comes" and then turn around to look behind us. We saw all kind of trucks, cranes, and stuff on the way to the mulch place. Even when we got to Felgers they use a huge front-end loader to do the mulch. Now I haven't been out to Felger's since I went with my dad probably 25 years ago. I just remember you pull up, talk to the guy running the front-end loader, pay him and get loaded with mulch. Wouldn't you know it's still the same way after all these years. I talk to the guy and get some cheap wood chips for the playground. I was standing outside the truck as he was loading the truck and noticed how big Williams eyes got when he dumped in the mulch with one huge scoop. Probably should have warned him or been in with him, but he seemed to take it in stride. We get the truck home and I back it up as close as I can get to the backyard and lay out the weed fabric and start dumping the wood chips. The process went pretty fast and the wood chips weren't as heavy as I thought they might be so I could load up the wheelbarrow as high as I could. While I was dumping wood chips my mom came over and took the kids home with her for a little while and Jen leaves for work. William was given the choice of staying with me or going with grandma and he chose grandma. So I finish the playset and I debate going for another load for the landscaping, but I figure it's not that late and run over to Felgers for some mulch. Just as I get home and start spreading it my mom shows up to drop the kids off. Crap. Either I forgot that she had something going on or Jen though I knew. Anyway after a little while of trying to work on mulch and watch kids (especially Andrew) I decided that it was too much of a pain in the butt so I decided to finish the mulch Saturday morning.
Saturday morning I finish spreading out the mulch and take the truck back to bum-pa's house with Williams help again. By the time I got back Jen left for work and the boys and I just spent the rest of the day watching Madagascar and playing. When Jen got home she fell asleep while I was giving the boys their baths and slept until 8:00 the next morning. I think she was a little tired.
Sunday was pretty uneventful for a father's day. We went to church, Jen went to work, and the boys and I hung out and home again. Mostly inside since it was so hot outside. During the day the Sinus thing that has been going around the family finally landed on me with both feat. Yuck. When Jen got home we went out to the Kanning residence for a get-together. Unfortunately we got there toward the end of the party so we just had time to grab a little something to eat, visit a little bit and chase down the kids. We came home and put the kids down reeaaallllyyy late from their usual bedtime.

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