Wednesday, June 13, 2007


You know.... I decided a while ago that I wasn't going to write about every time that the kids woke me up in the middle of the night since I could see it get boring and uninteresting to everyone else who reads my blog and it would become a daily blog entry. But sometimes I just gotta vent. That and when the kids read my blog in the future they can see what we had to put up with.
All week long William has been getting up at 2:30am and coming into the bedroom. Usually all I have to do is put him back to bed and turn on the light in the hallway and he is good to go (maybe some more water). He hasn't done this in a while, so I am looking for a reason. Well he has been feeling a little warm and had the sniffles for a day or two, so I am thinking that he is fighting a little summer cold. Before bed last night I decided to give him a little medicine to give him (and us) a good night sleep and to help fight the cold. He falls asleep pretty fast which is unusual for him. For a while now he has been reverting to any stall tactic that he can think of to stay awake (and annoy me) as long as he can. Needing more water, going to the bathroom, wanting his stuffed animal, needing his new matchbox cars, then wanting me to put the cars in the toy box downstairs to name but a few. Of course all of these stalls require me to go up and down a flight of stairs. Anyhow, he goes down pretty quick last night and I finally get to bed around 11:00pm or so, and like clockwork he comes strolling in at 2:30am (crap!!). So I put him back to bed with some more water.... and asleep. 3:00am he comes strolling back in and again I pick him up and put him back to bed. He did this every half hour from 2:30am until 6:00am. During one of his ventures into the bedroom, Jen gave up and went to sleep in his bed since he wasn't obviously needing it, leaving him in the room with me. Whereupon he wants to watch TV. Then He starts bouncing on the bed. Then he stand in the doorway yelling down the hall. (sigh). We figured that the medicine that we gave him was non-drowsy (crap!!). whatever happened to the good old days of medicine with a little codeine to make the night go well. I am not as tired as I thought I would be today at work, but still I could use a nap.................

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