Wednesday, July 11, 2007

It must be in the Water

For those of you who don't know yet, Jenny is pregnant again
(for the last time, even if I have to cut it off)

Damn my fertile loins (and my inability to read a calendar) !!!!

She is due January 17th about a month earlier than Jeff and Paula. Congratuations to them too !!

I will never get another good night's sleep again........


CAQuincy said...


Welcome to your family of FIVE!!!!

Most fast food joints can't seat you comfortably--someone will always be stuck in that extra chair off the table and in direct line with the fumbling, clutzy waitresses. Someone will ALWAYS be odd-man out when riding roller coasters. You just can't quite fit properly in a regular-sized car anymore. Paying for breakfast, lunch, or dinner for that fifth person makes dinner out (which was pretty do-able before) now astronomical.

And yes, even more years to look forward to NO SLEEP.

But I know I don't have to tell you that it's worth it in the end..... :-)

Marcus said...

Congratulations and I'm glad you bought a big house.