Friday, February 20, 2009

Propane and propane accesories

I had a bright idea when I was putting away my stuff before winter. Since the cover for my grill was falling apart (after lasting one season) I decided to put it in the garage for the winter. Yeah I know I should store it inside every winter,but I didn't have enough room to fit the grill in the garage every year. Anyway I decided that if I am going to put it in the garage that I was going to put it somewhere that I could get access to it easily and possibly use over the winter. I enjoy a grilled steak rather than the George Forman way. Well the best laid plans of mice and men only saw me use the grill once this winter. It sounded like a good idea to use the grill in the winter, but it didn't heat up that well, and I still had to go out into a freezing garage to watch the meat. The second time I used it was last week since the weather was getting warmer and it wasn't as bad standing outside. I fired up the grill and went inside to get the meat while it heated up. After a few minutes I walkoutside to find the grill barely warm and notice that there is no flame. No propane. Little did I know how close I came last season to running out of propane. I know that I had to be getting close, but at least it happened now rather than in the middle of a party or when the meat was half done. So I will either head out pretty soon to refill the tank or maybe just wait until the season begins, since I wasn't using it that much anyway. Hopefully the season will get her soon.

1 comment:

Marcus said...

Got meat? Got gas? Grill.