Thursday, July 13, 2006


Last week I got an email from Marcus with a link to a girl's blog. One of the entries in the blog was the urgent request to design a new header for her blog, so Marcus challenged me to do that. After reading the blog which had an idea of what she wanted I also noticed that there was a link to her flickr account. Photoshop here I come!! I e-mailed Marcus to see if there was anything else he could tell me about this girl to help me with the design. You see, I thought this girl was a friend or relative of Marcus... Nope... Just a random blog that he had read that requested a header. I felt kinda weird doing this for essentially a stranger out in cyberland, but hey, it was a little slow at work and I love a challenge.

Here is the design that I finally designed:

I e-mailed the header design to her trying to describe how I ended up at her website and not to seem to stalker-ish. I got a simple "looks good, thanks". I thought I would get a little more response than that, with maybe a few corrections or ideas for changes, but it looks like she has other stuff going on in her life and maybe a header wasn't quite as critical as she thought. Since she isn't using the header I thought I would post it on my site. Maybe a little side business as "header designer".


Marcus said...

That looks good Dave! It's a shame she didn't offer you more of a usable and appreciative response, but hey -- you wrote that you enjoyed it! Art is your thing. I hope to get chances to use it more often.

MR said...

let me know when you're served with the restraining order.