Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Wedding Anniversary

Last Friday was our wedding anniversary. Sometimes it seems like it was only yesterday that we were dating and getting married, and then sometimes it seems like we have been married for 80 or 90 years since we finish each others sentences and know what the other is thinking. But it's only been 5 years. We have put alotta stuff in that five years. If you count the houses that Jen and I owned before getting married, we are on our 5th house in five years. We have had two kids with relative ease since Jenny had a "supposed" medical condition that makes conception very difficult (yeah right) I just look at her funny and BOOM. (Just kidding dear).

We were able to have a kidless dinner at the Red Lobster with dessert provided by Ritters. It was nice to have time alone with Jenny and doing whatever we wanted, but alas it ended so quickly and we went home to kids. I look back at my life before Jenny and I am extremely happy that I have met and married the love of my life. I couldn't imagine my life without her.

Appropriately we went to the wedding of my cousin the next day and it brought back a flood of memories of my wedding day too. I found out that my cousin played golf and tennis before the big event. I played golf the morning of my wedding with some of the groomsmen and friends. Funny story of the day is when Keith was on an island hole and tried to hit a ball, with his putter, to our group on the next tee and ended up launching his putter head across the water. The round ended up taking a little longer than I expected so I was alot later to the church than I wanted to be and kinda sweaty. (I will recall the rain/convertable story later) My cousin's wedding was really nice and the reception was alot of fun with a ton of food and drinks. We didn't stay around the reception long since we had the kids with us and a half hour drive home. On the way home I just kept thinking of our reception and how after everything was over there ended up being a big group of our friends going back to my house to deliver a couple of kegs of beer that were tapped. Those people just kept sitting around drinking and talking until the wee hours of my "WEDDING NIGHT". I kept thinking, get out, I have plans and they don't involve an audience. I am just kidding guys, it's memories like that I will always cherish.


Marcus said...

I'm sure the doctor said something, oh -- he was thinking donuts and said having trouble with confections; his weakness.

You were reflecting on your own reception for a bit, then I read, "We didn't stay around the reception long". That's really funny!

Congratulations on 5 years of 65. You have only 60 to go.

CAQuincy said...

Sorry. We couldn't help but stick around afterwards--we were having too much fun. But YOU were the dolts who invited us! :-)

Yeah--you guys had a fun wedding. I was glad to be a part of it.

Congrats on five years and two kids....