Thursday, July 20, 2006

Movie Poster

Recently Ransackery and Monkeyjack have had some interesting posts about excrement. You can read Ransackery's observations HERE and Monkeyjack's observation HERE. I wondered how a movie poster for their observations would look, so here it is. Sorry Carrie :) he he he he

Feel free to give me input on the text.


Marcus said...

Well, it isn't crappy! It's relieving to see you vent your creativity, liquidity -- flowing finely unobstructed. When your work sees it, surely, you'd be flushed (in the face).

I got another assignment: from my sister; boob (singular) that overtakes a large metropolitan city. It stems from her recently-acquired pain.

CAQuincy said...

SERIOUSLY--does your place of employment know what you are doing while you're on the clock? 'Cause it ain't WORK!

