Thursday, March 22, 2007

I AM TIRED OF BEING PUKED ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday I am up with the boys and we are working on breakfast. You know the one where Andrew eats his bowl of cereal and drinks his juice and then "helps" me with my cereal. In the middle of "helping" me with my cereal Jen decides to give Andrew a vitamin supplement since he hasn't been eating his vegetables, so she give him this dropper full of vitamins. At first no reaction, then a look of utter disgust, then the cough starts and I think, "oh Sh*t, nooooooooooo" and then THAR SHE BLOWS!!!!!! Son of a B**ch. I don't want to move him since I think I would rather have one spot to clean up than a string of puke all the way to the bathroom. The funny part is that both Jen and I put out hands in front of his mouth thinking that we could catch everything that would exit (silly parents). So I am sitting there with a handful of puke, a baby crying because he just puked, and a huge (you know) in the middle of the floor. Jen runs to get some towels to clean up and I notice that she runs upstairs to grab towels. Huh? Just grab anything close. She didn't know that I was unable to move because of my handful and other stuff. So we finally get that cleaned up and Andrew calmed down. I think we are really have to look into a carpet cleaner if mom ever takes her carpet cleaner back. I don't blame Jen for giving him the vitamin since neither one of us would have known he would have that kind of reaction.

Fast forward to lunch. We go over to the in-laws for a lasagna for lunch. Andrew eats pretty well but not that well. Probably not a good idea for spicy food after puking, but we figured the last time was just a reaction to the vitamin. Of course for some reason my mother in law makes the lasagna with sausage rather than hamburger to add to the spicy. After eating the boys are running around the in-laws house and Andrew head for the kitchen and I hear the familiar sound of "that" cough. As soon as I grab him to run him to the bathroom "THAR SHE BLOWS (again)" Son of a B**ch (again). This time I didn't do anything stupid like try to catch it in my hand. I just held him while he hosed off the linoleum floor in the kitchen, once again keeping him in one place. It takes everyone else a minute to realize what is going on and by the time someone gets me something for Andrew to puke in he is done. Poor kid. The rest of the day was real bland food and we kept an eye on him, but he seemed to be alright. Now the F****ng cat is starting to ack almost every night. sigh.


MR said...

Did you sign up for some lasagna club or something?

Marcus said...

Now that you have your own weapon or fire extinguisher, make sure to use it in an emergency.