Thursday, March 22, 2007

Mom Story

Here is another addition of a mom story. You know the cute and funny things my mom does that someday I hope to be able to tell the kids about their fun grandma.

A while ago my mom invited us over for dinner for a visit since she hadn't seen the kids in a while. If she doesn't see the grand kids at least once a week she gets withdrawl. We sat down for a lasagna dinner with salad and bread and a tasty glass of wine. As she is serving the lasagna I can see that it's the good lasagna that is able to be cut and stand up in a block. I don't really like a lasagna that is real loose and hard to scoop out on a plate. Don't get me wrong I will still eat a soupy lasagna, I just like the kind that stands up on it's own. As Garfield said "I have never met a lasagna I didn't like". My first couple of bites into the lasagna I noticed that it was very tasty but a little dry. I looked at the cross-section of the piece that I had done with my fork and started to count the layers of noodles. Now a good lasagna will have 3 or 4 layers of noodles, but I kept counting 5...6...7...8. Eight layers of noodles? I commented to mom that that was alot of noodles, but then she told me that she just used the same package that she always used, but then all of a sudden a look came over her face. Or maybe she was supposed to use half the package. Or maybe it was the smaller package that she usually bought instead? She was a little embarrassed, but the lasagna was delicious and we just all got a big smile out of it. That's what being together is all about, being together and smiling. Love You Mom

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