Monday, February 27, 2006

Ding Dong

My dad and stepmom were visiting this weekend from Alababa (whoa nelly). I knew that they were heading over to my house so I unlocked the front door figuring that they might just walk in since it was our house. Even if they didn't just walk in, if William heard the "Ding Dong" of the doorbell he might run to the front door and let them in. So I am in the front room playing with my sons and I hear the door bell ring. I ask William "who's that?" and he gets excited and heads to the front door. I am waiting to hear my dad or stepmom say something like "HI WILLIAM" , but it is quiet so I decide to investigate. I thought maybe I had relocked the door by mistake. As I rounded the hallway I see my son holding open the front door to two kids selling candy for their baseball team. Oops. It's so funny to see the two kids looking at my son and wondering "is he alone? what do we do? is this the man of the house? is there a dollar in his piggy bank to complete the sale?". I buy a candy bar from the kids and they went on their way. A half hour later the door bell rings again. This time when William heads toward the front door it's actuall my dad and stepmom and I hear "HI WILLIAM!". Thats the way it should be...


Marcus said...

Dave makes the movie, Home Alone 4. "Yes. I'll buy all 30 of those with this money I found. Thanks!"

MR said...

Funny thing, Dave's parents were selling candy also.