Friday, May 05, 2006

I am being oppressed

(written in lighthearted manor, Jenny)

Jen and I were at the store last night buying supplies for my "guys night" tonight. I was buying the regular stuff that guys would eat like nuts, chips and candy. I was trying to buy stuff a guy would like without going nuts since I told everyone to bring a snack, so who knows what will show up. As we were checking out I notice that there are cigars in the checkout lane... what the perfect guy thing for playing poker or whatever. Now I don't smoke, but I have been known to puff on a cigar every once in a blue moon. As I go to pick up a small box of cigars I hear a voice say "NO" behind me. It actually made me stop in my tracks. My wife just forbad me to buy any cigars!!!! I felt the oppression of my fellow men at that moment in a world run by women. I had felt like my mom just told me that I couldn't buy the hubba bubba gum at the checkout lane when I was 9 years old. My mind started to whirl, well, I thought I will just buy them and "sneak" them into the house, but thought later that is a pretty immature thing to do, and again something that I would have done when I was 9 years old. Then I thought, wait a minute, I still have a couple in my golf bag from the last time I played golf, I will just pull them out tonight. But reflecting on that idea I thought against it since who knows if they would be any good after being in my golf bag for around 7 months and in and out of storage during our move.

I don't "need" the cigars and it's a pretty unhealthy thing to do. I used to harp on my brother who could go for days without cigarettes so he didn't need them either. I know my father in law's cigar smoking really bothers her and makes her worry about him. I want to be around for a long time to see my boys grow up and live a long life so I appreciate Jenny's concern for not letting me buy the cigars just for me to look like a stereotype, but, for that one moment, I felt a bunch of different feelings ranging from anger to oppression to rebellion to appreciation.

Bring on the guys.... I am ready to vent :)


Marcus said...

close, but no cigars. It's better that way anyway. I can imagine Will wanting to toke on one when they got home.

Uh, Will ... that's a bad thing to do (sadly admitting hypocricy). Okay ... then I won't smoke.

It was a good evening anyway.

davesbeachbar said...

Yeah I already have to explain that smoking is bad so don't do what grandpa and uncle Dan do. Don't get tatoos like uncle Jim has. And I have to explain why grandma does the things she does and that will take a long time.