Wednesday, May 17, 2006

King Kong vs. The Corpse Bride

My wife called me at work Friday wanting to know what the plan for the weekend was. Since we were amazingly free from stuff we actually decided to rent a movie. Also she wanted to know what I wanted for dinner. I said "I don't care.. whatever", whereupon Jen gets mad at me because she feals that she always decides whats for dinner and I never make a decision. I see myself as easy to please in not really caring what we have for dinner, she sees this as something annoying that I do. The choices are meatloaf or go to the store and buy something. So I pony up and say (in a manly voice) "Make me meatloaf woman!!".. or actually it was "Meatloaf please". She is very impressed by the strong opintion on meatloaf and praises me for making a decision. So I get home and notice that the oven isn't on.. hmmm. I ask Jen where the meatloaf is, and she informs me that she decided not to make it. So let me get this straight, she asks me what I want, has me make a decision, and then does what she wants anyway? aahhhh the married life. We ended up packing up the whole crew and headed for Hollywood Video and Rented King Kong and The Corpse Bride.

Dinner was provided by Kroger.

We decided to watch the corpse bride first (since we didn't have the 3 hours to watch King Kong). It was the typical Tim Burton/Danny Elfman freaky, weird, eerie type of movie. Good music and cinematography, but shotty story in my opinion. Overall not a bad film, but just not something that I usually go for (Jenny's Choice).

We finally attempted to watch King Kong on Sunday night. Overall I was kinda disappointed in the movie. I am a huge monster movie watcher, but usually the 50's and 60's time era of monster movies. I don't know if it was the fact that I knew the other versions of the movie from the 50's and the 80's, but I just didn't get the same feeling after watching this movie. Had a lot of similar plot points and but filled in with a lot of crap that wasn't really necessary making it a 3 hour yawn. I am not a big fan of all the quick cuts and action stuff, and I thought quite a few times that the girl would be dead with the way Kong was thrashing her about. I could go on and on why I didn't like it, but I will just say overall I didn't really like it that much and won't be buying the DVD. Of course I said the same thing about Godzilla back in the 90's, but I find that movie to be kinda entertaining now, but nothing compared to the classics

By the way I am still waiting for my meatloaf.... sigh

1 comment:

Marcus said...

Finally, someone else agrees that it was really King Yawn.