Monday, June 05, 2006

I was "that guy"

I had a major embarrassment this weekend. Jen and I went to the movie theater Sunday to see "X-men III". (it's an okay movie) There are two things I hate the most in a movie theatre. One is people talking during the movie and the second is people on their cell phones. It drives me bonkers when a cell phone goes off during a movie or someone is talking behind me. Well, we get into the theatre on Sunday and it's not a big crowd so the fear of having "chatty cathy" next to us is pretty slim. The movie starts after4 commercials and 8 previews of crappy movies. During the movie MY cell phone rings (I forgot to put it on vibrate). Damn. I figure either something has happened at the in-laws (where the kids were) or it was my dad checking in. Not having caller ID or voicemail I panic and decide to answer it as quickly as possible to stop the freaking ringing. Of course just as I pull it off my belt and open it up it rings REAL LOUD. I talk as quietly as possible and find out it's my dad just seeing what we are up to. I try to get off the phone as fast as possible talking in a whisper. I am sure I was three shades of red as I quickly looked around to see if I bothered anyone in this half empty theatre with the ring, but luckily I didn't get any stares. I was "that guy" and it was so embarrassing. I know the necessary evil of having a phone with me "just in case", but next time I am putting my phone on vibrate even if we just talk about going to a movie. Forgive me everyone.....


Cerpicio said...

You saw it this past Sunday? At the Rave? What time? We saw it out there at 1:30. Our theater was very empty, but I didn't hear anyone's phone ring.

davesbeachbar said...

Carmike at 3:00. that's basicly the place you want to see a movie if you don't want a crowd, it was a ghost town on a sunday afternoon. I hope it stays in business