Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Vacation Part Deux

Friday - Day 2 - Kinda lazy start to the day with everyone getting up around 9 or so (except our kids who were up by 7:45). We decided to try out the dry play area in the morning, have lunch, and then down to the waterpark. We ate breakfast and loaded up the kids for the mile long walk down to the play area/arcade only to find out that the kids needed socks to play there. Jenny took the long walk back up to the room to get William socks. We could have bought socks out of a vending machine next to the play area, but it seemed silly when we had socks in the room. So we put Williams socks on only to find out that the room with all the "soft" balls scares him because of a big thing in the middle of the room that makes a whooshing noise whenever the button was pushed, but I finally convinced him to go into the room. OK I carried him into the room. I am looking around at all the stuff and see that in an upper area there are these bazookas that shoot these "soft" balls, whereupon I catch one of these "soft" balls directly in the nose square in my face. That freakin' hurt. So after messing around there, including a paniced search for William when he walked away from us, we ate lunch and then back to the waterpark for the rest of the day. During vacation, after the kids were in bed the grownups would play games. Thursday night's game was this tetris type of board game that I wasn't too interested in and didn't play. That and I was real tired. Then Friday night Jeff and Paula inroduced us to a card game called Phase 10. It was a pretty fun game that went on and on and on (kinda like the hallways). Upon playing one game for hours we finally called it a draw between Jeff and Keith and headed to bed around 2:30am.

1 comment:

Marcus said...

I saw the pictures of the hallways, it reminded me of nightmare sequences of "high school horror" where you are wandering around naked, having missed finals and by some quirk, have to redo high school. They must have had Quake engineers do the hallways -- long, so long that it appears there are no ends to them.

The vending machine selling socks means that they make a mint not letting you know that all persons need socks to play in the area. An enterprising person could get a motorized chair and, for a nominal fee, take persons to their rooms to retrieve anything, as it was a long walk as you have written.

Was the smack on the nose incidental or was someone aiming at you?