Friday, April 13, 2007

Thank God kids are durable

The other day Andew climbed onto the lazyboy and was playing around. He usually does pretty good at behaving himself on the chair, but he was being kind of a daredevil. He reached over the side of the chair to grab something on the floor and I yelled at him as soon as I saw this since I could just see him falling head first onto the floor. He grabbed whatever he was trying to get and sat down like a good little boy. Next thing I know I catch him out of the corner of my eye over the side of the chair, but this time I see him fall over the side and see his feet where his head should be, and right on his head. I race over to the chair thinking he broke his neck or about a million other things when you see that kind of thing happen. He cried for about a minute, but then calmed down and wanted to play again.. whew... Every day Andrew is more and more of a daredevil jumping on the couches and flirting on the edge of safety and danger. I am not sure if he really wants to explore the area or just loves the attention that he gets from jen and I when we yell and run over to grab him. Also at that age he doesn't get that if he gets hurt doing something that he will possibly get hurt again if he does the same thing. But lucky for me kids are pretty durable.
I told my mom this story and it reminded her of a story of my brother Dan. He was playing on the fireplace of our old house on Bradford Drive and somehow slid off the hearth and nailed his back on the bricks scraping it really bad. He gets up screaming and runs toward my mom and somehow passes out mid stride and goes head first into the stereo system. My mom was talking to her mom on the phone and said "I think Dan just killed himself". She runs to comfort him with screaming and blood everywhere, but hey he survived like most kids do. Just like the time I got hit in the face with a garden hoe, but that's another story....

1 comment:

Marcus said...

Like Bumbles ... they bounce. "Hold your shirt on lady, you're kid's alright."

"My baby, Killa! You are my hero!"

"No ... no ... no ... no ... no ... no ..."

Bugs Bunny and Vulture