Monday, May 14, 2007


Friday night I get a call from a guy who saw my pile of rocks during the garage sale and is looking at buying the whole pile. I know this is the same guy that has been trying to go way below my asking price a couple of times, but I just kept telling him the price was firm due to the interest that I have gotten. I have actually been selling quite a few stones a little at a time. Usually someone would stop by and buy 10 rocks at a time for $2 a piece so the pile is a little lower than the last time he saw them. He stopped by Saturday morning to look at the pile and offered me a pretty good price for the pile and he would haul them away that day. I figured that I still made over $2 a stone selling him the whole pile, but he didn't know that. He brought his son with him and with myself and the two wheelbarrows we loaded up his trailer in an hour or so. The fun part of loading his trailer, aside from lifting a couple tons of stone into and out of the wheelbarrow, was that we would have to get a run down the hill on the side of the house to run the wheelbarrow up the ramp on his trailer. I kept thinking to myself that I could see the front tire of the wheelbarrow blowing out due to the speed which we were hitting the ramp and the weight in the wheelbarrow. I didn't blow a tire out, but I did manage to find the only rut between the ground and the bottom of the trailer so the tire got stuck and I went over the top of the wheelbarrow, but lucky for me the wheelbarrow stopped at the top of the flip and I went sideways instead of head first into the rocks on the trailer. I was surprised I wasn't hurt, but I can't tell if my sore arms today are due to lifting all those rocks or due to the accident. It doesn't really matter how, they are just sore. But now I have a huge area in the backyard without stone!!!! whooo hooooo!! Now do I grow grass or start that garden that Jen and I talked about? After that I got a few more projects done around the house, gutter guards put up, Jeep washed, garage door cleaned, and a few other things. After Jen left for work and Andrew got up from his nap we ended up just playing outside for the rest of the day. I was trying to plan on running over to the store to grab something for mother's day, but every time I thought I had a plan, it changed over and over and over. So finally I just said screw it and took the boys with me to the store and picked up some flowers and cards for Jen and my mom.
Sunday was an early start with Andrew getting up at 6:45am. We all headed downstairs and I headed for Meijers for doughnuts that Jen wanted for mother's day. We went to church and then the boys and I headed for my mom's house to hang out with her. Jen's big wish for mother's day was peace and quiet and a nap, so the boys and I cleared out for a while to let her chill. (I am thinking that is a good idea for Fathers day too, just on a golf course) About 4:00 we headed for Jen's parents house and spent the rest of the day there with Tom and I spending the majority of time chasing the boys around outside. We picked up Olive Garden on the way home (Jen's choice again) and after putting the boys to bed we had our dinner sitting at the coffee table in the front room like we used to all the time. Jen didn't make it past 9:30 before I heard her sleeping and I was not that awake either. So I headed to be around 11:00 and fell asleep fast whereupon Andrew wakes up at 1:00am crying (teeth) and William wakes up at 2:30 (just because) and the alarm goes off at 6:00am. whew.. The funny part is that I pull into the parking lot today and the only car in the lot is my bosses. I am thinking "it is Monday isn't it?", it wouldn't be the first time that I woke up thinking it was the wrong day, but never to a point where I drove all the way into work. I found out that he gave all of the workers the day off so it was just the office staff today.

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