Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend

Last weekend was memorial day weekend. Three days of either bumming around the house, or getting many projects done. I chose the first option for the most part. I did get a few things off my list, but with the weather being rainy and crappy Saturday and Sunday most of my time was spent watching TV and playing with the kids. I felt kinda bad I didn't get more done, but it felt good to just chill a little bit too. Monday we took the kids up to the in-laws lake place. I wasn't sure we would go due to the gas prices, but decided that it isn't really that far. I was shooting to leave the house around 10:00am, so when we were in the car by 10:30 I was pretty impressed. We got up to the lake on a perfect day. Not a cloud in the sky and it was warm but not unbearably hot. At first we kinda hung around the camper, but then the boys stared walking all over the place which meant that I was walking all over the place. The in-laws neighbor at the lake has a golf cart and asked if I wanted to take the boys for a ride, so with Andrew in my lap we took a slow lap around the area and down to the water to see Grandpa and Uncle Ken out on the lake fishing. It was the boys first ride in a golf cart. Another first is when William and I went down to the water to meet grandpa. The usually ride back up to the camper on the back tailgate of the pickup truck, but William wasn't to sure about doing that. I finally just picked him up and put him on my lap and he loved the ride. It was a little scary since the truck goes up a slight hill on the way back up and I felt like I might fall off the tailgate too since I had alot of weight in my lap, but we leveled out in a few seconds. After a time of visiting and eating with everyone. Anne and Ken took William for a walk and before we knew it he was walking up to the camper with a fish on the end of his pole. Anne took the fish off the hook and handed it to William with the fins down and he held onto it really good. (pic above) I was sure that when it flipped around that he would drop it, but he didn't. We walked back down to the water and put the fish back into the lake. (Funny I don't think fish swim upside down. Maybe he was holding it a little too tight.) Another first is that the boys got to see grandpa and Ken cleaning fish. I know it's a little gross to look at but they didn't seem to care. Grandpa has this real slick way of cleaning fish where all you need is a knife and you can get a fillet from a fish. When my grandfather used to clean fish it was a huge process where we scaled the fish, cut off the meat (including pulling out the guts), pulled off the skin, and then my grandma would de-bone the fillets, but this was much faster and better. About 6:00pm or so we loaded up the crew and headed back to town with everyone taking a nap except Andrew and me. Bath time and Bed time. Next time up we are planning on doing alot more fishing. I haven't been fishing in years and every time I get up to the lake they are either just coming off the lake or heading out when we are heading home, but next time WE FISH!!

A side note: I didn't bring the camera with me so Ken took the picture of William and the fish. It's a little blurry due to being shot through a plastic cell protector. I am going to be getting rid of my cell phone and buying a prepaid due to the fact that I don't use my cell that much and don't want to pay the monthly bill. I am thinking now that I just might buy the cell with a camera in it for just such occasions.

1 comment:

Cerpicio said...

I didn't think I'd use a camera phone much, but it's very handy when Paula got one too. She'll go shopping and send me pictures of things. Plus it's nice to have a camera on hand at all times in case something funny happens.