Thursday, February 14, 2008

Screwed Again

Little news to anyone that my favorite group is Rush. Hard working power trio that has been together for over 30 years. The message in there music is always fresh and their tunes are never rehashed or similar. They always push the boundry of new and interesting songs with a true rock feel. The one thing this band lacks is recongition. They have a serious die hard following but never made into the main stream (not sure they would want it that way). Their tour last year was in the top 25 of ALL concerts last year so you know they still draw a crowd. This group is in the Canadian Music Hall of Fame and win numerous awards in Canada, but not love in the U.S. I was pumped to hear that they actually got a grammy nomination this year for an instrumental song on the new "snakes and arrows" disc.

Let's look at the following picture... We have all taken the SAT's or other comprehension test. Which one of these things is not like the other?

Bruce Sprinsteen????? And he WON? Are you freakin kidding me? You can't put that hack in the same category with Metalica, Satriani, and Vai. Of course Satriani and Vai get little to no love from the mainstream either even though they are very talented artists. I just listened to this Springsteen tripe (HERE) and IT'S NOT ROCK. The song is something a guy recorded 20+ years ago and Bruce just put some guitar tracks over the top of it. He didn't do any work on a the freakin song. That does not deserve a grammy. This is total Bull Sh**. I probably wouldn't be so p.o.ed if Rush lost to anybody else than Springsteen. Only 5 grammy nominations over 30 years and 0 wins. Just another reason not to watch awards shows. Like the academy awards giving out statues to movies you never heard of and will probably never watch in your lifetime. Yeah I know it's not really fair to give an award to the movie that makes the most money, but they can make it a little more realistic to movies the public has seen.

Deep breath.......

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