Monday, February 25, 2008

They Came... They Saw.... They Left

Quick recap of the Q's drive-by visit. Just kidding kids :)... Thursday night I get home from work around 5:00 and they arrived at the house not too long after that. After some initial visiting, we were trying to decide what to feed the kids. Of course the kids were too busy playing and running around that I think they would have forgotten to eat entirely. We initially thought about getting pizza, but the Q's had that Wednesday night so on to plan "b". After some discussion we decide that pizza two days in a row isn't too bad so John and I head off to the hunt. First stop is to the grocery store for essentials, Milk, Cereal, and BEER!! Then over to papa Murphy's for pizza. Luckily the now vegetarian-ish Q's don't see pepperoni as meat so we get a pepperoni pizza and a small vege pizza. We finally get the kids fed and then corralled around 9:00 and off to bed. A short time later the rest of us are fighting sleep so everyone heads to bed around 11:00ish. Friday was a work day for me and the Q's ended up spending the day with the Kannings. I get home from work and help Jen put together some stuff for the party and get the house ready. People start coming to the house around 6:30 or so. We had a really great turnout with just about everyone showing up. It was fun to be able to visit with everyone and in some cases just find out what everyone was up to. The kids were having a blast running all over the place and playing. After a bit the kids started playing with the Wii since Mary and Charlie had some experience playing it. The party stared to thin out around 10:00 and we were able to get the kids to bed with a little effort. With the kids down it was time for the parents to play the Wii. The Q's had brought 5 games with them, but we didn't have a chance to play with all the other stuff going on. We played a couple of the games that were pretty fun including a couple mario games. The last one we played was Resident Evil 4. This is a shoot 'em up game where you go into villages and kill zombie-like people. That was very interesting and very hard too. Finally around 2:30am we finally turned off the Wii and headed to bed. Of course the kids don't care that we were up until 2:30am and got up promptly at 7:30 (yawn). But after more playing around and feeding children, the Q's headed toward the long and winding road around 11:00, after almost forgetting their pillows and sleeping bags. It wouldn't be a visit from the Q's without finding something they forgot, but so far we haven't found anything. It was a real good visit, but just too darn short, but I think Carrie got enough of a baby fix. Jen and I are talking about making the trek in the summer to visit the Q's or trying hard to make Geekfest happen this summer. Either way we are going to have a van by then since I can't imagine driving that many hours shoehorned into the jeep.

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