Thursday, February 14, 2008

Wii Training

Jen and I have started our wii training for the Q's visit in a week. This is actually the first time that Jen had even tried it, and I think she likes it. We were able to play all of the games on the sports disc that came with the game and she did really well. She kicked my butt in Golf!! Including a shot from the fairway that hit the pin and went in the hole!! Bowling is fun too. It still amazes me how much actual physical activity is required to get the game to work to it's full potential. Jen had a bit of a sore arm like I did the last time due to the physical requirments needed to play. Overall the graphics on the wii are pretty cool. It will be fun to see what games the Q's bring with them. We might run over and rent a couple for the visit. We would have done this before, but we just don't have the time to play video games like we used to. Back in the day, we would stay up till 2:00am playing Zelda on Nintendo (original recipe) all week long. Now by 10:30, Jen is flaked out on the couch and I am fighting it in the comfy chair. There is Zelda for the Wii, maybe rent that one. Oh and I finally got the wi-fi feature to work on the Wii so I can do some internet stuff. I am still reading on what exactly I can do with this little white box. Maybe see how to hook up with the Q's and the Crammers on-line and have a game night. That might be interesting.

1 comment:

Marcus said...

In hindsight ... "Girls Gone Wild" the Wii game wasn't such a good idea.