Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I am going to have to call Bullsh*t on that one

I have read many stories about "global warming". It is becoming annoying on the laundry list of things that they are blaming on it or what MIGHT be the effect of it in 50 - 70 years from now. Anything different in the world seems like it is blamed on global warming. Say a bird flies south rather than south southeast by a few degrees. Global warming. A weed grows 4 inches rather than 5 inches. Global warming. Cow poop MIGHT be more acidic 80 years from now. Global warming. I agree we need to take better care of the Earth, but it seems like scientists are tying any baloney study they are trying to get funding for, into global warming. BUT I am going to have to call bullsh*t on this one. According to a FRONT PAGE article in USA today they say that global warming MAY raise kidney stone risk. huh? According to the article "Kidney stones result from salts crystallizing in the kidneys, often triggered by dehydration, causing famously painful blockages." Uh no. Take it from someone who has dealt with kidney stones for years, they don't know what actually causes kidney stones. According to my doctors kidney stones could be caused by either a chemical imbalance in the brain where the body produces too much salt, or it is stress related (also inherited, thanks dad:)). They are claiming that because it is hotter in the south the chances of dehydration are better. That is kinda true I guess,but I can get just as dehydrated in the North. Also according to the article there is a kidney stone "belt" were kidney stones happen more often. And it will head North... in 40 years because it will be warmer to the North. Again no way to prove it or be accountable for it in 40 years since they will be dead. Of course could it be that there are more cases in the South because that's where all the old people go and it effects them more often? nooooooo. Global warming. They PREDICT that the cost of treating kidney stones will increase 25 percent (in 40 years... maybe). Uh duh. That's actually cheaper than the cost of living increase. I would take that. They also claim that kidney stones happen more often in summer. Ok, kidney stones don't happen overnight. They take months (or years) to form, so I would believe the study if it had an increase in the fall,but that wouldn't make for a good bullsh*t, everybody panic, statistic.

I think I have ranted enough. It's just a good idea to stay properly hydrated and the system flushed out is all the article had to say.

1 comment:

Marcus said...

I have had more gas lately, perhaps I am the cause of global warming.