Thursday, September 20, 2007

Picture Time

(Side view with baby head to the right)

Jen and I went to her first ultrasound for the new baby. We took William with us so he could see how there was a baby in mommy's tummy. Also so maybe he will stop crawling all over Jen like he does to me or at least understand why he can't crawl on mommy's tummy. Of course William was a little hesitant going into the exam room because usually if it is him and us, he usually ends up getting poked and prodded ending with a shot, but as soon as he realized that we weren't there because of him he loosened up a little bit. I think he enjoyed seeing the ultrasound being done and now when he sees the ultrasound pictures he will say "baby in mommy's tummy". Of course he still calls Andrew "Baby", but the will probably change now. Ultrasounds are very interesting in everything that they can see in the baby. They have a 3-D feature that she turned on, but the baby didn't look that defined just yet. With the first two boys we didn't want to find out the sex of the baby and be surprised, but we decided to go ahead and find out with this one. (of course we "decided" on the way into the exam room). aaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnddddddddddd it going to be another boy. (Sorry mom, I tried to take a little off of it to give you that girl but just wasn't able.) I would have liked to have a little girl, but I now have "boy" experience and I wouldn't know how to handle "girl" stuff. So now the work begins on moving kids around and repainting rooms. And also the task of picking out a name, but at least now we know we only have to work on picking out a boys name rather than one of each.

(view from below)

The arrow pointing to his "boyness" was NOT put there by me in case you people were getting ready to yell at me. Maybe I should pixilate the image to make it family friendly. Of course I am not sure if you can actually tell what it is anyway.

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