Tuesday, October 09, 2007

mom story continued

Just putting together a collection of the fun stuff my mom does so I don't forget all the fun things....
I talked to mom the other day and we were talking about an upcoming surgery. She has to go through a 3 hour operation on her back to place a couple of rods to help support her spine and ease some of the pain in her back and arms. She was setting up her surgery for November and told the scheduling nurse that she really really really wanted a morning surgery... almost to the point of demanding it. The nurse asked her why she needed a morning surgery and my mom told the nurse that the surgery was scheduled for 3 hours and she didn't want the doctor to be tired when he did it. I suppose it makes sense, but I can't imagine that the doctor can't handle a surgery starting at noonish since they do surgery all the time, but still I find that funny.

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