Monday, October 22, 2007

Useful Internet

I am in the process of working on my basement including the installation of shelving in the furnace room and the basic organization of crap down there. The ultimate goal is to clear out enough stuff and put in in the furnace room so I can start to work on the basement remodel. Which means DE-MO-LI-TION.... God I love Demo... I am going to do a subdued demo with controlled dismantling of the drywall and not the typical sledgehammer. I really want to just see what I am dealing with behind the walls and under the ceiling. I decided to clear one room so I could get into the walls, but that means clearing the room. In the process of clearing the crap I decided that would be a good time to sort stuff and either pitch crap, earmark for a garage sale, or throw it into the attic to worry about it another day. One of the bigger items in the room was a 27 inch TV that I bought 8 years ago. It was a really nice set that made it through Tartan's Glen and then Pine Valley. But during the last move something must have happened to it. I noticed that when we got to the new house that it wasn't working. When you turned the volume up it turned the set off and nothing I did could solve the problem. I figured something in the 5 months in the garage must have cause the problem. Well I just threw the TV in the basement when we moved in and decided to deal with it later. So, here it is later. I decide that anything that I pull out of the room MUST be dealt with at that time and no stacking it elsewhere. I pull the TV out of the room and have to decide whether to pitch it or if it's worth taking somewhere to get fixed. I decided to surf the net to see if I could find an owners manual or some other help. I figure taking it to a repair shop would be a minimum of $75, nope, scratch that idea. I found the owners manual on-line that I could buy for $15, nope, don't want to do that. But I did find a forum on-line with one of the questions stating the exact problem that I had. HOLY CRAP!! The forum suggested a TV reset using the factory commands that only insiders in the TV repair world would know about, and wouldn't you know it.. it worked. The Internet is actually useful and not for just looking at kitties. Yeah I know I am lucky to find the exact problem that I had on a forum, but it was still cool that I fixed it pushing 4 buttons and at no cost. My elation of solving the problem and thinking of enjoying the TV in the basement was tempered by the knowledge that in a couple years it will be useless due to it not having a digital tuner. sigh. I only hope that the little box that they sell for us "old school" UHFers do convert digital signal to analog will be somewhat affordable.

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