Monday, October 22, 2007


Yeah it's time for me to bitch again.....

Item #1: My freaking windows. We have two windows in our front room that are both screwed. The one window won't shut correctly and the other doesn't work for crap. So I decide that since it's almost fall and we won't be using it anymore, that THIS is the time to fix it. I decide that the window that is hard to close isn't really that big of a problem so I turn my attention to the one that doesn't work properly. From what I can see it has lost a couple screws on the bottom of the sash that keeps it from working properly, so I figure a couple screws and that would solve the problem. I got outside to see what kind of screws I need to reattach the bracket and I look on the bottom of the window to see Swiss cheese for wood. Son of a Biscuit!! All the wood on the bottom is falling apart and like a sponge. So my quick fix is probably now going to entail replacing the window since I am not sure if that could be fixed.

Item #2: My WTF of the day. Over the years I have had what I would say is a questionable stomach. Over the years of test and diets and stuff it has actually calmed down. The one thing that I found to help was a over the counter medicine called zantac 150 (I highly recommend MR!!) It is a pretty efficient acid reducer/stomach helper. I noticed a commercial for this medicine over the weekend that now it's coated in mint... MINT.... WTF?? How is this flavorless medicine that you swallow with a glass of water going to be helped by a mint flavor??? What a waste of money for the company that will no doubt increase the cost of this already pricey medicine. Only thing I can think of it that it will taste minty when you burp. Lucky for me I rarely need this stuff anymore but still..

Item #3: Dumbledore is Gay. Why the Fark did JK Rowling "out" Dumbledore. It makes no sense at all for her to "out" a FICTIONAL character after the story is done and it had absolutely no relevance in the story. Great, now all the muggles who looked up to that character now have to worry about their own sexuality, did they like the character because he was a father figure or did they just like the way he "swung his wand". In my mind he will never be gay, he will always be giving it to professor McGonagall right the in the grand hall when no one is around and nearly headless Nick watching. What's next Frodo and Sam with the old slap and tickle with Gollum? Yeah I am a little pissed about this.

Thanks for Reading... whew.. I feel better...


Marcus said...

What's you got under those glasses ... mascara? Dumbledore was a wizard in the sheets or also known as a closet wizard. He was exceptionally talented with his wand.

So then, I wonder, why even go there?

Oh, and Padfoot was a kleptomaniac. DeFluer had asthma, ironic for her name. Moody was more even with medicine and the Crabb and Goyle families were swingers.

I agree. WTF (Waldo Talks Funny)?

MR said...

Thanks, but I haven't had to take anything for my stomach since I gave up caffeine.

Yes, another gay character to "reassure" the young readers who know they are different that it's okay, it's all okay, everything's acceptable.

Remember Tom Beringer in "Rustler's Rhapsody"? Where are all the confident heterosexual good guys who'll shoot the gun out of the bad guy's hand?

"Rex, you shot 'im in the haid!.... How do you feel about that?"

davesbeachbar said...

Just sounded like you were dealing with the same stuff that I dealt with for years with your stomach. I haven't had caffeine in years and that helped alot, but just suggesting if you still had problems to try and Zantac 150 since everything else I tired didn't work as well.

Rustlers Rhapsody one of my all time favorite movies. if you remember from the movie it wasn't as much the question of is sexuality as much as his "confidence" in his sexualtiy. Anyway Marylou Henner took care of that pretty well. If you remember that Rex was shot in the arm by the bad buy so I think that's what caused him to shoot him in the head. That's what I think.