Monday, May 05, 2008

Busy weekend

Saturday was a lazy day for me and the boys. Jen had to work so we just hung out around the house for the day. It was real windy and a little cold so I decided to stay inside and try and get a few small projects done around the house. The boys love it when I get out my tools since they know I am on my way to fix something and they can "help". Of course they "helped" me out of a tape measurer. I am sure it's in a toys box some place. The plan was to do a few things outside when Jen got home, but she ended up working later than planned so that didn't work out. A curious thing happened when Jen was at work. Jen received a text message from someone claiming to be an old friend and gave a few clues to who they were. Jen deleted the one message figuring it was spam which held part of the clue. Only a select few (and you know who you are) have my cell number. So I figure if it was someone we actually knew they would call or text again, and if it's spam then not answering it might end it there, but it's still curious. I saw that Jeff called later on in the afternoon and thought it might have been him since he is the only one who texts me, but his call was due to his brother-in-law's sewage filled basement.
Sunday started pretty early with the boys up by 7:00, and I got up and went to church. Then I came back and picked up the family and we headed downtown for another church service and a confirmation. We were able to sit with my father and mother in law toward the back of the church. There were 4 teenage girls sitting in front of my father in law and they were not dressed appropriately for church and they TEXTED and talked all during the service. They also had a little kid in front of them that they were playing with which the mother did nothing to take care of that. I think they were all related. I asked my father in law how he kept from saying something to them and he said it wasn't easy. Very few things get my father in law going, but that is one of them. I knew if I found it inappropriate that he must have been going nuts. TWO HOURS later we finally left the church and headed for a reception at the families house. The boys and I hung out outside while Jen and Christopher were inside being passed around. (Christopher not Jen). The boys really liked the sandbox in the backyard and played in that for hours. We might just have to get one of those. Their current playset has an area for a sandbox, but the view is blocked by the rockwall and I think I prefer to have something we can see and that we can cover in case of rain. The food was very good at the reception. They borrowed the hot dog steamer and got numerous comments on it. I was even surprised to see that they had chilled up some beer! That really surprised me, but when I tasted it there was a funky taste so I don't know how long it had been around. After a couple hours of eating and playing we decided to get going. I got a call from a friend putting on a benefit concert on the lake north of columbia city and decided to pop up there with the family to check it out and to return her computer that I fixed. It was a nice drive up there. We pulled up to the restaurant/tavern/bar/dive and was able to park among the motorcycles. The outside looked just like an old cottage that had been converted. We walked around to the back where the bands were playing, of course still in our church clothes and waaayyy over dressed for this crowd. There was a tent with the bands at the bottom of this large hill with about 20 people crowding the small deck off the back of the bar. The bands started playing and it was too loud for the boys to handle. They both covered their ears and were never far from me. I wanted to go into the bar and check out how the inside looked, but I don't think the boys would have let me. It's always good to know where a good restaurant is for a weekend drive, much like Clay's restaurant or the retreat on lake George. After a little bit the boys were getting used to the music and they had found a moon walk and were really enjoying that. Around 5:00 we thought we better head for home since Christopher was due to eat and there wasn't a good place to feed him around there. Of course half way home Christopher wakes up and wants to eat.. NOW. So we got home as quick as possible. After that the boys played some more and Jen and I just sat on the couch exhausted and wanting to fall asleep. The boys went down pretty well with Christopher being the problem child for the night. He either had too much gas or was over tired from the day so that took a while. There was nothing on TV so we put in a movie that I think I saw 10 minutes of before falling asleep. Nothing like waking up to go to bed and remembering that I have to make lunch for the next day. So I finally get to bed and William comes in the room around 4:00am crying for whatever reason. It took about an hour of numerous trips down to his room for various reasons until he finally fell asleep. Of course then the garbage truck comes at 6:00am and he comes in the room. We just let him sleep with us and he crashed until after I got out of the shower. It was a busy weekend, but I am trying to get the boys to experience new things. It seems like they, like us, get into a routine and we need to break them out of that as much as possible so they aren't afraid to try new things.


CAQuincy said...

OK, so the sandbox *I* wanted is one where the kids STAND to play in it--no sitting necessary. And it had an umbrella that doubled as a cover. I have a friend who has it, but now *I* can't find it. But it looks something like this....

THAT's a sand and water table. Methinks I would prefer JUST a sand table.

More than you cared to know/think about sandboxes, eh?

davesbeachbar said...

that is pretty cool. my mom has one of those sand/water tables at her house and seems to like it. But $80? I figure I will just drive around the neighborhood and look for one in the trash.. seems like they get thrown away alot. Just kidding. Now a couple days later and I don't think they care anymore, it was just something for the moment. We will see.
How can you not find one. I was just looking for how much a bag of sand costs and found this table or a similar one at walmart, target, lowes, home depot and meijer