Friday, May 23, 2008

let's see if I can sqeeze a little more

Already in the throws of pinching every possible penny I am trying to find new ways to squeeze a little bit more out of that penny. First of all, I have slowed down. On my 50 mile trek to work everyday it's all highway at 70 miles per hour, but being that it's 469 and not that traveled I have backed down to a max of 65 miles per hour in an attempt to get a little more mpg out of the Saturn. If it were a busier highway or one lane I wouldn't, but I don't mind being passed. Unfortunately I can't really tell if it's working since the car doesn't have a little electronic thing that tells me my average gas mileage. I can't afford to fill it up all the way (how sad with only a 10 gallon tank) so I can't do the odometer/math thing either. But I know it's still around if not over 30 miles a gallon for that great little 7 year old car. Yeah we are going to drive the wheels off of that thing. One thing that might help is getting new tires on it too (time to call the tire Nazi).

The other is finding deals around town. I recalled a couple years ago a guy I worked with a guy who would stop by the Nickel's bakery thrift store and get bread. On my weekly driving to do some deliveries I pass by one of these bakery stores. I stopped in there a few months back and got hot dog buns for Christopher's baptism. I decided to stop by this week and see how much a loaf of bread was. I had paid $1.37 at Wal-mart the night before, so imagine my surprise when I purchased 4 loaves of bread for $1.77. Lucky for us we have the big freezer and this stuff freezes pretty well.

I figure if I can find a few more of these little deals I can help in the overall budget. Of course we don't deny ourselves the occasional carry out from a local restaurant or a purchase for the house or kids, but hopefully it will help a little bit.

1 comment:

Marcus said...

If I enter a high-paying life of crime, are you interested in joining me?