Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Movie Review

Sunday Jen and I pawned off the kids and went and saw the Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Lesbian. I will preface this review with the statement that I didn't really care for the first narnia movie. I didn't like the story, and I was looking to hard for an overtly religious message in the movie. I wasn't even really that impressed with the scenery. I liked that second movie a little better (yeah still not a glowing review). The story still left much to be desired and this time the religious message was pretty much in my face. I didn't get why the one kid was in such a hurry to get into a fight and get everyone killed, the narnians were pretty happy in their thousands of acres of woods for centuries. Then when Prince Lesbian all of a sudden gets the hots for one of the princesses. It's almost like they forgot to build it up and then all of a sudden said, "oh yeah, give her the googly eyes" halfway through the movie. This might have been a case where the books might have been better than the movie adaptation, either that or I just don't get it. Either way, might be worth the matene', but not full price. It's currently #1, but it won't be there for long with Indiana Jones coming out this week.

I have high hopes for the Indiana Jones movie, but hope it still maintains the magic after 20 years. Of course some of the critics panned the movie in Cannes which is pretty typical for those hacks, but Harrison Ford had the best quote for those snobs. He said:

"I'm not afraid at all. I expect to have the whip turned on me," Ford told reporters after the screening. "It's not unusual for something that is popular to be disdained by some people, and I fully expect it.

But, he said: "I work for the people who pay to get in. They are my customers, and my focus is on providing the best experience I can for those people."

Little something for the Movie Critics

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