Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Jeff's Move

Man what a day!! The morning started out with me trying my hardest to get to Jeff's apartment by 9:00am. But with kid wragling in the morning the family and I didn't actually make it there till almost 9:30. I was real worried that I was holding up the move and had people waiting for me, but when I pulled up I didn't see anybody. Then Jeff and MR came out of the apartment. Now I have been to Jeff's apartment once but that was about a year ago and I was thinking, "it's only a two bedroom apartment, how much stuff could there be?". I found out that he and Paula were able to get alot of stuff into that apartment. So the three of us proceeded to load up the truck, up and down a flight of stairs. Hello leg muscles. The funny thing is that the truck was getting real full but the apartment was still full of stuff, so the apartment was winning. I tried to stack stuff as high as possible, but I didn't want to break or scratch anything. About halfway through loading the truck I said that we would need two trips for all the stuff, so we decided how to best use the space available in the truck for the first load. Finally a couple more people showed up toward the end of the first load which was good since we were getting real tired and sweating so much that our shirts were pretty much drenched due to the heat and humidity.

The next part comes the washer and dryer cluster f***k. I will let Jeff tell the story about that, but pretty much in a nutshell. The delivery company delivered Jeff's new washer and dryer to the apartment by mistake and REFUSED to take it to their house which was less than a mile away. He kept saying that he couldn't go to another location, and that he had a schedule to keep. And my response was "you could have been there by now rather than arguing with Jeff". This guy was a toal asshole. I was real close to getting into it with this dick, but hey, it's not my washer and dryer so I figured that it was best to let Jeff take care of it. Found out later that it was the delivery company's mistake and not Jeff's, so they got their delivery fee returned along with another $50 from Sears. So if you buy from Sears, pick it up yourself.

The unload at the house went alot faster (like they do). There was alot of activity at the house when we showed up. People painting rooms, doing electrical work, replacing door locks, unloading pick up trucks, and kids running all over the place. I was thinking "where were all these hands for the loading?", but everyone actually had a job already so I was thankful to get help unloading. After a quick bite to eat we got the truck unloaded and headed back to the apartment for load #2. That load went alot faster with a few more hands as well as not as much stuff. It started to rain when we were leaving for the house, but it actually felt pretty good. Unload #2 went fast again with lots of hands to help. I was soaking wet with sweat and real tired so after load #2 I took the truck back and met with Jen and the kids for home. I felt kinda bad not staying around to see if I could help with other stuff, but I was pretty much spent, and there was already a bunch of people in the house. I am sure I would only get in the way. Another shower and then the comfy chair for the rest of the day.

Jeff and Paula's new home is a real nice place with a huge backyard. (you will have to ask him about the crop circle). I think they will enjoy this place for many years to come.


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