Monday, August 14, 2006

Manual Labor S**ks

I took this weekend to beat up on myself and see how much my body could actually take. I think I won't be doing that again anytime soon.

Saturday I got a sense if determination and decided that I was going to work on my Sod cutting project for the swingset/playground. I got an early start in the day and thought that I would get as much done this weekend as possible so we could start assembly of the monster swingset next weekend. Much to my surprise I was able to get all of the sod cut up and reassembled to different parts of the yard on Saturday. Much in my favor was that it never got much above 75 degrees all day so it was easier to work outside than in the 90+ degree stuff that I had done a few weekends ago. Yeah I looked like a goof in my ratty shorts and no shirt with a headband on (sweat was getting in my eyes and on my glasses) but I got the job done. Jenny worked Saturday night so I spent the rest of the day resting and playing with kids.

Sunday we decided to start on the swingset which was extremely slow starting. All of the lumber is in the garage (sorted out) so I had to carry pieces to the back yard. I would get all of the lumber needed for a step or two in the instructions. Making the going slow was the fact then Jenny had to take care of Andrew and I found myself stopping numerous times because William was "helping" me or he wanted something. He also got bit by a wasp and was crying and screaming for a while until he finally calmed down. His hand swelled up a little bit (poor kid)Finally my mom showed up to watch the kids and Jenny helped me by sorting the hardware. She would have the hardware that I needed for the step I was working on ready to go which made things go a ton faster. We moved along pretty good and by the time we decided to stop for the night it was almost 7:00pm and we had put a good 10 hours into the project for the day. I think we are on step 22 of 96. It actually kinda looks like a swingset, but there are more days of hardwork ahead, and I am not half as sore as I thought I would be. Either I am getting used to the hard labor or the stuff Sunday wasn't so hard, just long (so to speak)

The most annoying part of the weekend is that I got freakin' poison Ivy. Now when I get poison Ivy I don't just get a little itchy spot, it gets in my blood and spreads all over the place and takes forever to get rid of. I usually go to the doctor for some cortisone, but lately the over the counter stuff has worked pretty good if I get on it soon enough. So I am spreading cream all over my arms trying to knock it down. The strange part is that I have no idea where I got the poison Ivy from since I wasn't in any woods or anything. I am thinking that one of my tools (rake or shovel) has poison Ivy on it, so I will be getting out everything that I came in contact with in the past week and scrubbing it down. Dang it..


CAQuincy said...

Well, thank goodness William didn't show an allergy to wasp stings, at least!

My brother used to get poison ivy every summer--even when he wasn't in the woods--and he was highly allergic to it. The doctor said he was probably getting it in the air. What? Really? So maybe you WALKED BY a patch and got it since you're so sensitive to it. Or perhaps a neighbor was kindly burning it and sending it through the air to you.

Congrats on getting to step 22. Gee, wonder if you'll get it done before winter?

Marcus said...

Lots to do, little done -- i.e.: life. That sounds like a monster of a swingset! I think, with your self-description, that you are the goof I always scoffed when I was a kid.
Perhaps you should look around the yard and terminate the poison ivy with extreme prejudice, roundup or something else. Good luck!