Thursday, August 10, 2006

Mutiny on the USS Sylvan

Yesterday the family and I visited Monkeyjack and his family at their family's lake cottage. What I thought would be a quiet relaxing day turned out to be a huge party with alot more people than I thought would be up there (around 13 people) It was fun, but I felt sorry for Lori since all she seemed to do was put food out and then put it away all day. Of course the added excitement of the two puppies (not so much puppies anymore as full grown dogs). They would employ their stealth modes every once in a while to get up on tables and eat whatever wasn't bolted down, or one would distract the adults while the other went for the food. So keeping an eye on those two was a task in itself.

After lunch we decided to take the kids out on the water to take them tubing. Unfortunately the speed boat was not working correctly so we used the pontoon. William and I sat in the back of the boat watching the pairs of kids take turns on the tube and I was taking pictures (monkeyjack's camera). Toward the end, Monkeyjack's son wanted to tube, but he needed to be accompanied by his dad so I volunteered to drive the boat since I had alot of experience with that. The first attempt to pull them met with a stalled engine, but I quickly got it refired. The strange part is after I restarted the engine and gunned it, it seemed to go alot faster than it had all day (maybe a fuel problem). Since it was still a pretty slow pontoon I looked for wakes from other boats and would get them out of the pontoon's wake to hit the other wakes a little harder. I felt bad since I found some real good wakes and pounded them pretty good. I had to stop the boat a couple times since once Charlie hit the wake a little hard and hurt is neck, and then he had a couple itches he had to scratch, and then finally he said he was done. When Monkeyjack got back into the boat he asked if anyone wanted to ride the tube back to the cottage. All of the kids said they wanted to but only if I drove the boat and not Monkeyjack since I was giving a bit of a rougher ride. MUTINY !!! But Monkeyjack didn't mind so I gave one of the kids a ride back to the cottage, but unfortunately the engine was bogging down again and all of the wakes were getting smaller and smaller so no rough rides. Get me that speed boat next time and I will throw a few kids off .... he he heeeeee

1 comment:

Marcus said...

glub, glub ... sorry I missed it.